Almond latte (Wholey Wonder)
Almond latte (Wholey Wonder)
Wholey pizza with sambal and extra mushrooms (Wholey Wonder)
Share of a coconut bowl (Wholey Wonder)
10myr (€2.12 / $2.31 / £1.79)
Share of coconut bowl - chocolate milkshake with coconut ice cream, granola, snickers bar, brownie, chocolate sauce (Wholey Wonder)
Espresso (Wholey Wonder)
Banana, blueberries, spinach smoothie with granola (Wholey Wonder)
Baked blueberry cheesecake (Wholey Wonder)
Raw tiramisu (Wholey Wonder)
TFW you've been away from somewhere that felt like home for a while, and you get back, and your devices connect to the wifi automatically.
I'm finishing my thesis from Wholey Wonder, the vegan cafe in which I basically lived for the three months I spent in Penang before. I'm being fed and looked after very well, this was a great decision.
Various vegan cheeses and crackers (Wholey Wonder)
Way more food than I deserve (Wholey Wonder)
Wake Me Up: almond milk, espresso, cocoa, banana (Wholey Wonder)
Coffee and cake (Wholey Wonder)
13myr (€2.76 / $2.93 / £2.33)
White chocolate raspberry cheesecake, americano (Wholey Wonder)
Lunch (Wholey Wonder)
18myr (€3.81 / $4.05 / £3.25)
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Smoothie bowl: kale, papaya, coconut water, banana; inside a papaya with granola, chia, dragonfruit, blueberries; peanut butter chocolate bar sample (Wholey Wonder)
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