🔁 https://medium.com/@fox/the-web-isn-t-uniform-fd67eb631501
Amy shared https://medium.com/@fox/the-web-isn-t-uniform-fd67eb631501
"The Web isn't uniform; it's countless flowing layers, each affecting user experiences in its own way."
🔁 https://medium.com/@fox/the-web-isn-t-uniform-fd67eb631501
Amy shared https://medium.com/@fox/the-web-isn-t-uniform-fd67eb631501
"The Web isn't uniform; it's countless flowing layers, each affecting user experiences in its own way."
Taught basic web design and development, including responsive design and progressive enhancement, to students from a variety of (mostly non-technical) backgrounds. Marked coursework.
Taught basic web design and development, including responsive design and progressive enhancement, to students from a variety of (mostly non-technical) backgrounds. Marked coursework.