Return from Kirkcaldy to Edinburgh
18.90gbp (€22.80 / $23.98 / £18.9)
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Return from Kirkcaldy to Edinburgh
18.90gbp (€22.80 / $23.98 / £18.9)
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Peak return from Kirkcaldy to Edinburgh
18.90gbp (€22.80 / $23.92 / £18.9)
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Return from Kirkcaldy to Edinburgh
12.40gbp (€14.94 / $15.69 / £12.4)
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Kirkcaldy dayrider
4.20gbp (€5.06 / $5.31 / £4.2)
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After serving two terms, I'm not standing in the upcoming W3C TAG election. I have loved working with the TAG, and been privileged to learn so much from the other members and wider community over the last four years. I wouldn't rule out running for election again in future. But for a while at least, I need to dial back the time I spend behind my keyboard, and put more focus into my (geographically) local community.
If you have a vote in the election, I would strongly encourage you to rank highly Lola Odelola and Sarven Capadisli. Lola has a strong technical background, ample experience of W3C processes, and a track record of fighting for marginalised voices in tech; we've had brilliant, hope-filled conversations at TPACs about what the future could be, and how to build the ethical tech and systems to get there. I worked with Sarven for several years in the Social Web WG days and never have I met someone with such a strong sense of justice and so relentless in pursuit of what they believe in. They'll do the work needed for the TAG to have impact, and far better than I ever could. If these two are elected, I'll sleep easy.
It probably goes without saying that you should also re-elect Hadley Beeman, who has been an invaluable member of the TAG for many many years, a great mentor, and a reliable voice of wisdom.
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Went to London for an extremely fancy TAG dinner. And a visit to MW and the chickens.
Leaving Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland at 8:03am (+01:00) on Tuesday the 4th of June 2024 and arriving in Edinburgh, Scotland at 8:56am (+01:00) on Tuesday the 4th of June 2024
Outward to TAG dinner
Leaving Edinburgh, Scotland at 9:24am (+01:00) on Tuesday the 4th of June 2024 and arriving in London, UK at 1:47pm (+01:00) on Tuesday the 4th of June 2024
Flying visit for TAG dinner with MT, MA and DA
Leaving London, UK at 12:18pm (+01:00) on Wednesday the 5th of June 2024 and arriving in Edinburgh, Scotland at 4:41pm (+01:00) on Wednesday the 5th of June 2024
Actually left from Stevenage, just in time
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Three days in The City for TAG f2f. Views of shiny buildings from the Apple office. Lots of coffee and fancy food. Pizza at Purezza with MW before the Caledonian Sleeper home. There were bagpipes, because it was Burns Night.
Leaving London, UK at 9:15pm (+00:00) on Thursday the 25th of January 2024 and arriving in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland at 4:50am (+00:00) on Friday the 26th of January 2024
Return from TAG f2f
Leaving Derby, UK at 7:33am (+00:00) on Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024 and arriving in London, UK at 9:09am (+00:00) on Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024
To TAG f2f
Leaving Mum's, UK at 6:58am (+00:00) on Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024 and arriving in Derby, UK at 7:21am (+00:00) on Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024
To TAG f2f
Leaving Edinburgh, Scotland at 4:52pm (+00:00) on Thursday the 18th of January 2024 and arriving in Mum's, UK at 8:05pm (+00:00) on Thursday the 18th of January 2024
Train from Edinburgh to Crewe, lift from Crewe to Mum's. Transit between coop and TAG meetings.
I was on the fence about attending TPAC right from when the idea first entered my head, to the journey there. I'm glad I went though. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and colleagues from the web standards world, and to meet some wonderful new people as well.
The covid precautions taken by the organisers reassured me a lot. It was a four to five hundred person conference, with attendees from all over the world. In spite of relaxed standards taken across most of the rest of the world at this point, we stayed masked, ate outside, and they handed out as many tests as people needed to encourage testing every day. I know a few people who tested positive early on, and attended remotely from their hotel rooms; I hope everyone was so considerate. Last I heard there were a handful of cases reported, and a week later I've avoided it. While wearing masks during a heatwave in Spain for five days running was uncomfortable, I'm glad these were the requirements and I think it was worthwhile. I probably wouldn't have attended without this.
The food was rubbish though; apparently consistently for everyone, not only the vegans :)
The first two days were the most exhausting, and I used up pretty much all of my energy upfront.
I attended the Social CG meeting. I went to the AC meeting, and sat on stage for a TAG panel. I was anxious about this the whole time, as I had carefully arranged my life to avoid public speaking since I left academia, and don't do well thinking on the spot in front of a crowd. Fortunately none of the questions were about anything I had a strong opinion on, so nobody was expecting to hear from me in particular.
I didn't attend many breakouts as I had a few co-op meetings to fit in. I did join the Privacy Task Force breakout, which was a completely packed room, and a surprisingly (sorry, perhaps I'm too cynical) positive discussion. Seems like we're on a good track with the Privacy Principles (though much editorial work remains that I'm on the hook for but not on top of).
At various points I sat in on the RDF Canonicalization and Verifiable Credentials WG meetings. I'm a bit out of the loop, and these meetings were not quite enough to get back into it, but tensions seem high as various pieces of work near completion. I felt like everyone in that room is well overdue a holiday.
In between all of this I spent time in the "hallway track", having excellent conversations.
I was so happy I got to spend time with half of the TAG (Dan, Hadley, Tess, Sangwhan, Lea); as well as Evan, Tantek, Arnaud, Brent, Joe, Juan, Michiel, Amy, Sam, ... ; and Dmitri and Manu however briefly. I also made some amazing new connections, including Lola, Elena, and a bunch of people from Igalia who I was keen to talk about co-ops with. There were plenty of people there I wish I could have managed to see more of, too.
It was an intense week, and I haven't really looked at my email since, but I suspect I have a lot of things to follow up on. I took the scenic route back, via Morocco and Gibraltar, in an attempt to decompress before my whole-co-op meeting next week...
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