Three daysin Wortley Hall with ODSC! For our first almost-whole-coop IRL meeting since the beforetimes. We had a great time, got some useful strategic thinking done, went on long walks in the Yorkshire countryside, and - as is traditional - ate lots of carbs.
Enjoyed a day in Buckhaven for a CLEAR gardens open day and plant sale. Helped out at the stall selling locally grown and made jams, chutneys, relish, etc. Came home with two sunflowers, and two pretty rockery succulents..
Looked for dryads saddle on the way back, and found enough for a few meals, but not a ton.
Planted out brussel sprouts, and many romanesco, and for some reason loads more onions. Potted up even more of the celery seedlings, with a view to giving as much away as possible, and also the aubergine and sweet peppers that sprouted late, though no idea where they're going to live yet.
Someone deposited a bag of large cabbage leaves on my doorstep, so I made stuffed cabbage, Eastern Europe stylee.
Made coconut chia puddings at the Community Kitchen, peppers stuffed with lentils and mung beans with tempeh on top, and krompirusa again.
Called the fire brigade for the first time ever. Fortunately nothing turned out to be on fire, but better safe than sorry..
K, M and Lowenna came to visit.
Dryad's saddle season is beginning. The early warning tree is fruiting, but nothing so far anywhere else. Did clean up a load of stuff from the woods when we were out looking though.
Got various little DIY things done... or partly done... door thresholds in hallway, internal kitchen cupboard improvements, clocks/hooks on the walls..
Went on an adventure to [redacted] woods in Perthshire, where we discovered large quantities of amazing shiny rocks...
Finished Ender's Shadow, started Shadow of the Hegemon.
Lowenna went home, then Max came back By mid-week when my flat was no longer full of doggos it was quite strange. There is still fur and grime everywhere though.
Continued to work on scrapers for Woodland Trust, though we really should be wrapping this up. And did some final translation workflow wrangling ready for the BODS 0.3.0 release.
Sorted out slides and stuff for my spot on a panel about sustainability at the W3C AC meeting.
Went to the market! It's been so long. Made up for 3 weeks of missing out by buying loads of stuff. Caught up on all the local Kirkcaldy news from Real Humans instead of Online.
Went to London. Got total culture shock. Too many people in too small spaces. No stars. so loud.
Started The Lefthanded Booksellers of London (though I haven't finished The Overstory but the former was lighter for taking on a trip. Also thematically appropriate.)
Recorded a podcast?! (as a guest).
Had IRL TAG meetings!
Did IRL Co-op coworking!
Saw IRL friends I haven't seen for years!
Returned from London. Two-day long migraine immediately went.
Leaving London, UK at 10:00pm (+00:00) on Saturday the 26th of March 2022 and arriving in Edinburgh, Scotland at 8:00am (+01:00) on Sunday the 27th of March 2022
Leaving Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland at 11:48am (+00:00) on Monday the 21st of March 2022 and arriving in London, UK at 4:48pm (+00:00) on Monday the 21st of March 2022
Starting to wonder if I can get from the UK to Vancouver by freighter and long distance train for W3C TPAC in September. Definitely possible, but I'd need a good month and a half, and a few thousand $$. There were a lot more options before covid.
The early starts and late finishes and squeezing the day job into the gap in the middle were a lot, but I really enjoyed this week's virtual TAG face-to-face. Productive, and fun! Can't wait til we can do it in three dimensions though.