🗁Added 2 photos to album https://i.amy.gy/2024-edb/.
Accompanying N and R to Prewired (via Nandos)
Accompanying N and R to Prewired (via Nandos)
Accompanying N and R to Prewired (via Nandos)
Post created with https://apps.rhiaro.co.uk/no-ceremonies-are-necessary
Tara and I took the tram to Newhaven, and Tara made some new friends. We all went for a walk around Newhaven, then to Leith Market. It was periodically raining torrentially, but we managed to stop in Face Plant Food for a mac n cheese sandwich.
I dropped our new friends at various different points around Edinburgh, then found myself in the neighbourhood for Prewired, where I knew a small make-a-thon was ongoing, so I dropped in to say hi. I subsequently got roped in as a judge for the next day.
rhiaro arrived at an event for 1 hours, 50 minutes,
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/641665162936741889
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/641665162936741889
A weekly programming club for under 19s.
A weekly programming club for under 19s.
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/639123952485445632
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/639123952485445632
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/639116769198764032
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/639116769198764032
A weekly programming club for under 19s.
A weekly programming club for under 19s.
OH at Prewired: "This is Minecraft, I can do whatever I want.
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/631517548509560832
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/631517548509560832
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/629015595804164096
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/629015595804164096
OH at Prewired: Learn Python, it can do all the things. Except some things. But learn Python.
🔁 https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/627831315216396288
Amy shared https://twitter.com/Prewired/status/627831315216396288