Changelling gigs
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Changelling gigs
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Selkie's Wife at Century Studio
10.84gbp (€12.61 / $13.78 / £10.84)
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Event (Grain & Sustain)
15gbp (€16.95 / $17.99 / £15)
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It's funny how Morrissey died a few years ago but still seems to be putting out music. I suppose I should listen to it at some point, but there's no point in giving a dead person any more money for it.
Current status: Willow Smith is the most beautiful human being in the world and nothing else matters.
Donation to antifacism gig (Kryzys)
20pln (€4.63)
I finally listened to Low in High School all the way through, and it was like I already knew all of the songs. It was already part of me.
I like it. Spent the Day in Bed and Girl from Tel-Aviv are my favourites, sound-wise.
I'm still sulking with Morrissey about politics though.
I'm going to have to listen to the new Morrissey album at some point, aren't I.
I've had Syre on repeat for two days now. I'm starting to forget how to function without it in my ears.
Gently psychedelic weird rap, the album as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It varies in pace and style, and is chaotic throughout in a way I love. Louder is better.
I particularly love B.L.U.E and Lost Boy, and Icon has grown on me enormously. But it really makes the most sense as one 70 minute track.
Late to the party, but last month I discovered Sia and omg <3 ...
Sunpilots album preorder
$10 (€9.58 / $10.00 / £8.04)
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