The usual views. Some days of very still sea, dramatic skies; swam twice.
An afternoon in KDY; lunch at Koku Shi and cake at Merchant's House... who have a new vegan menu! To pick up the customers left behind by Kangus, I presume...
Went for a winter forage and found some good things.
Did extremely loads of Co-op admin and wrangling.
Finished The Wolves of Midwinter which I've been reading in snatches at someone else's house, and stuck with it from a morbid curiosity. I am so very disappointed in Anne Rice, because I loved the Vampire Chronicles so much, but these wearwolf ones are just dire. The plot meanders, the characters are completely vapid and sickly sweet, the dialogue is frankly bizarre, and there's abuse apologia and transphobia (or, if I'm really squinting, an extremely clumsy attempt at not being transphobic that is done so badly it comes across as transphobic. I really can't tell, and can't be bothered to look up where Rice stood on that when she wrote these. Either way, it comes up about twice, is completely unincidental to the story and again, just bizarre).