Users (consumers?):
- Finding content
- Media types * mostly text at the moment, little integration of different types
- Specific tasks - not much connection of results with user tasks.
More data than just what you seen in the media (cue my Venn diagram).
Plus, eg. paintings - lots of 'cultural baggage'.
Care more about the story than the media.
Interpretation by end users. Hopefully message that the author intended.
Meaning of combination of assets.
eg. Exhibition of artists work.
Interacting further with the media.
- Search - serendipitous or focussed around a theme (or both). Different search goals.
- Sharing, passing it on.
(SW and multimedia community need to work together).
-> Raphael Troncy on Friday - attaching semantics to multimedia on the Web.
Need mechanisms:
- to identify (parts of) media assets.
- associate metadata with a fragment.
- agree on meaning of metadata.
- enable meaningful structures to be composed, identified and annotated.
Workflow for multimedia applications
- Canonical processes of media production
- Reduced to the simplest form possible without loss of generality.
Heard of MPEG-7? Don't bother.. very much from a media algorithms perspective.
- Feature extraction.
- News production.
- New media art.
- An interactive exhibit that responded to audience present.
- Hyper-video.
- Photo book production (CeWe).
- (Using this example for explaining processes).
- Ambient multimedia systems with complex sensory networks.
Canonical processes overview...
There's a paper.
CeWe photobook - automatic selection, sorting and ordering of photos.
Context (timestamp, tags) analysis and content (colours, edges) analysis.
Things from these you want to represent your digital system (ie with LOD):
- Premediate, eg.
- remember to take your camera on holiday.
- write scripts, plan shots.
- place a security camera in the right location.
- Construct Message (not really in the chain, appears all over the place); what to conveny with media? Intention? eg.
- show people a great holiday.
- sell a product.
- inform/advise.
- Create (method of creation might be important, so record in metadata), eg.
- Annotate, eg.
- automatic or manual. Stuff that is embedded by device vendors (but there's so much more...)
- domain annotations: landscapes/portraits, timestamps, face recognition.
- Publish, eg.
- compose images into photobook.
- Distribute, eg.
- print photo book and post.
- cyclic processes online.
COMM - Core Ontology for Multimedia.
Premediate and construct message - human parts, she doesn't expect them to be
digitised any time soon.
Using Semantics to create stories with media
Can we link media assets to existing linked data and use this to improve
How can annotations help?
- What can be expressed explicitly?
- Message (somewhere between a html page and poetry).
- Objects depicted.
- Domain information. <\\\\--- li="">
- Human communicaiton roles (discourse). <\\\\--- li="">
Vox Populi (PhD project)
Traditionally video documentary is a set of shots decided by director/editor.
Annotating video material and showing what the user asks to see.
Annotations for these documentary clips:
- Rhetorical statement; argumentation model (documentary techniques).
- Descriptive (which questions asked, interviewee, filmic).
- Filmic: continuity like camera movements, framing, direction of speaker, lighting, sound - rules that film directors know.
- Statement encoding (eg. summary what the interviewee said):
- subject - modifier - object statements.
- Thesauri for terms.
- Can make a statement graph, finding which statements contradict and which agree.
- (He encoded this stuff by hand - automated techniques aren't good enough).
- Argumentation model - claims, concessions, contradictions, support.
Automatically generated coherant story.
- Are we more forgiving watching video? (Than reading these statements as text). Peoples' own interpretations strongly affect understanding of the message.
Vox Populi has (not for human consumption) GUI for querying annotated video
User can determine subject and bias of presentation.
Documentary maker can just add in new videos and new annotations to easily
generate new sequence options.
User informatio needs - Ana Carina Palumbo
Linked TV. Enhancing experience of watching TV. What users need to make
decisions / inform opinions.
- Expert interviews (governance, broadcast).
- User interviews - what people thought they need (215 ppts).
- User experiments - what people actually need.
Experiment - oil worth the risk?
- eg. people wanted factual information from independent sources; what the benefits are; community scale information.
Published at EuroITV.
- We can give useful annotations to media access, useful at different stages of interactive access (not just search).
- Clarify intended message. Explicity with annotations.
- Manual or automatic.
- Media content and annotations can be passed among systems.
- No community agreement in how to do this. <\\\\--- li="">
- How to store?
Hand annotations are error prone - how to validate?
Media stuff - there can be uncertainty, people don't always care.
Motivating researchers to annotate...
Make a game.
Store whole video or segements?
W3C fragment identification standards - timestamps via URLs.