Walk to Wemyss with Wenna and Max. Both so needy. Some cooperation over stick destruction. Both want to do whatever the other is doing. Bugging each other all evening instead of just relaxing on the sofa. Wenna wants to sit where Max sits. Max only wants cuddles when Lowenna is there.
Finally enjoyed a weekend with NO PLANS. Used it to make a website for The Kitchen Treasury (pending approval).
Headphone shopping, as the Sennheiser MM450-X I've had since 2019 are finally giving up (one ear has stopped emitting sound, and the bluetooth and noise cancelling won't even switch on). This is the third pair of essentially the same headphones I've been buying since 2009 because they're compact for travel and really comfy to wear for hours. I have very small ears, so they're perfect for me. Only now I only seem to be able to get the 550-X model, which would be fine, but it's from circa 2015 and still £140+ secondhand for some reason; 3x what I've paid previously. I'm tempted to just pay it because I know what I like, but on the other hand maybe I should investigate other headphone brands..? Hmm.
Finished The Difference Engine (found it a bit challenging to stick with; probably would have enjoyed it more if I knew more about the time period it's set in). Started The Algebraist.
Nacreous clouds at sunset! Far more vivid than my camera could capture, in the colours of the trans flag. Max and I watched them from the beach until they turned bright orange and dissipated..
Aphids have finished off all of the lemon pepper plants and one birds eye in my living room, and given up and mostly moved out, it seems. The second birds eye and scotch bonnet are clinging to life. Fungus gnat population has escalated dramatically.