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@pietercolpaert Count me in! I've started my thesis with markdown, github pages & csarven's LNCS css but switching to dokieli imminently
In reply to:
@pietercolpaert Count me in! I've started my thesis with markdown, github pages & csarven's LNCS css but switching to dokieli imminently
Amy added to
Right-ho, it parses whatever arbitrary metadata I put in the comments of the markdown files providing they start with "label:" and end with a newline (" ").
And lumps it into displayable html along with the post it belongs to, mostly for easier testing.
The next step is to engage some ontologies and turn the metadata and posts into a graph. It's ARC2 time!
Update: Actually the metadata it accepts is not all that arbitrary. Will remedy.
Update 2: Fixed that.
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I'm using Michel Fortin's PHP Markdown to grab each md file in the posts directory and convert the contents to HTML.
I'll add some custom stuff to parse labels and categories that I plan to use to organise my content.
I also need to think about templating, and when the to-triples part is going to happen.
Updates (16:48)
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Gotta start somewhere. So here's a first post.
With Slog'd you will be able to:
Then when someone loads your blog:
I don't know how I'm going to do this yet, but I'll save my progress as I go...
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