I joined #nanowrimo on Freenode but nobody is there :o Please nerds join me.
irc (7 out of 7)
During 90% of group social interactions I'm happy to be there but would prefer to be invisible. I think that's why I like IRC so much. I'm in a room full of people chatting amongst themselves, nobody is really aware that I'm there but also nobody minds that I'm listening. I can interact if I want, but there's no expectation that I do, even if addressed directly. Real life more like IRC rooms please.
Twitter DM is no longer an immediate way to reach me.
Made space for Signal. Ping me on Telegram (rhiaro) or IRC (rhiaro on Freenode and imaginarynet.org.uk) for my mobile number.
Post created with https://rhiaro.co.uk/sloph
Talking on IRC all afternoon is work. I am literally paid to do this.
As long as it's about the right things, but yeah.
my use of capitalisation and punctuation in textual communications definitely reflects my mood
Tales from the house I grew up in: my mother is on a Hangout and it's making IRC lag. Crisis.
I use FTP+IRC to share images almost exclusively these days. Do I win at social web?