Opening, fixing, and closing (with comment) github issues on my own projects does feel a lot like talking to myself.
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Opening, fixing, and closing (with comment) github issues on my own projects does feel a lot like talking to myself.
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Love github emoji reactions for enabling passive agressiveness in issue comments. Makes the world a better place.
I think I may have suffered minor burnout at the beginning of last month.
Oops on behalf of JSON-LD I apologise to github users @context @graph @value @id @type etc...
Today's project was updating the dokieli homepage to make it not a wall of text
Part of me wants to move my site to github so commits count towards a streak etc, and that's where pretty much everything else I'm working on regularly is, but really I should keep it on bitbucket in the name of decentralisation, and manage my own 'streak' and contributions list on my site, aggregating commits from both places.
Amy added to
Amy added to
My new favourite way of feeling productive but not actually achieving anything is filing github issues for myself.
Okay, now I have a private github repo called 'life' with many issues.