Week in review: 14-20th Feb
- A year since I moved into my flat; drafted a post but haven't finished it yet.
- Hung out with Max loads and loads and went on short walkies and long walkies and shared sunrises and many snuggles and also yoga.
- Finished Xenocide, started Children of the Mind. Definitely Speaker for the Dead is best so far though. Also watched the Ender's Game movie, just to see. Not as bad as I'd been led to believe? But not good. Maybe better having read the book to fill in all the shortcuts the movie takes.
- Watched loads of Disenchantment. Read, napped, too much.
- Baked things.
- Finally reassembled my espresso machine! It espresses! And I learnt so much about espresso in the process!
- Potted up more gherkin and courgette seedlings, and watched things emerging in my footpath garden.
- Measured and sawed up all my door threshold strips, but haven't screwed them down yet.
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