decentralised web (9 out of 10)
Amy shared
Amy shared
Indiewebcamp Dusseldorf
☑ Attending!
Indiewebcamp Dusseldorf3rd Social Web F2F
☑ Attending!
3rd Social Web F2FIndiewebcamp Edinburgh
☑ Attending!
Along with James and Harry, I'm organising an indiewebcamp here in Edinburgh! Indiewebcamp is a 2-day unconference-style event, with lots of hacking, and support to help you take ownership of your social data and launch your own website which can interoperate with other people's, as well as with social silos like twitter.
Planning is in early stages, but we've settled on 25/26th July and Skyscanner have offered us their office as a venue, but this is to be confirmed.
We're (naturally) looking for sponsorship for lunches: if you're part of a tech company who would like to help out, we'd love to hear from you! You can find out more about sponsoring IWC events here.
Keep an eye on the event wiki page) for more details; you can register your interest or contribute to planning and brainstorming there too.
Indiewebcamp EdinburghAlong with James and Harry, I'm organising an indiewebcamp here in Edinburgh! Indiewebcamp is a 2-day unconference-style event, with lots of hacking, and support to help you take ownership of your social data and launch your own website which can interoperate with other people's, as well as with social silos like twitter.
Planning is in early stages, but we've settled on 25/26th July and Skyscanner have offered us their office as a venue, but this is to be confirmed.
We're (naturally) looking for sponsorship for lunches: if you're part of a tech company who would like to help out, we'd love to hear from you! You can find out more about sponsoring IWC events here.
Keep an eye on the event wiki page) for more details; you can register your interest or contribute to planning and brainstorming there too.
☑ Attending!
Straight after the Social Web Working Group face-to-face is an indiewebcamp at MIT! 19th and 20th of March. Can't wait. Despite my best efforts in the past, this will be my first one.
This happened!
IndiewebcampStraight after the Social Web Working Group face-to-face is an indiewebcamp at MIT! 19th and 20th of March. Can't wait. Despite my best efforts in the past, this will be my first one.
This happened!
Social Web F2F
☑ Attending!
I'm looking forward to attending the next face-to-face for the W3C Social Web Working Group in Boston, MA, on the 17th and 18th of March.
Social Web F2FI'm looking forward to attending the next face-to-face for the W3C Social Web Working Group in Boston, MA, on the 17th and 18th of March.