I have too many emails. Thunderbird is refusing to accept more. So I guess that's it. No more email for me. I accept the situation.
Post created with https://apps.rhiaro.co.uk/no-ceremonies-are-necessary
I have too many emails. Thunderbird is refusing to accept more. So I guess that's it. No more email for me. I accept the situation.
Post created with https://apps.rhiaro.co.uk/no-ceremonies-are-necessary
My alarm didn't go off because my phone operating system crashed. Did I mention I LOVE computers??
(and anyone who knows me knows I hate waking myself with an alarm and only do so when absolutely necessary....)
Post created with https://apps.rhiaro.co.uk/no-ceremonies-are-necessary
As the family 'computer person' I just spent 2 hours trying to help someone with a mail merge and JFC it's so hard?! Even with purely google tools. I can't believe things haven't moved on since I last knew how to do this, in the early 00s.
Post created with https://apps.rhiaro.co.uk/no-ceremonies-are-necessary
Stuff on my shared hosting being broken wasn't enough so I fully broke everything on my Digital Ocean server as well. Including irc. Centralised communication only for the rest of this evening please.
Did I mention I hate computers?