I got like 10 new followers during my Greyhound ordeal this morning. Maybe more likely that's actually due to the recent Solid media flurry than me complaining about buses, though.
complaining (3 out of 3)
- Studies that assume people are clueless wrt their online identity and social data management
- Studies that assume people are totally aware and make active conscious decisions about their online identity and social data management
- Studies that generalise to all social networks from facebook or twitter
- Studies that generalise to all people from one demographic
- When that demographic is western college students
- ..because that just means they couldn't make time/effort to step off campus
- Studies that assume people have a straightforward or one-to-one mapping with their social profiles
- Mining profile information to improve recommendations/advertising/marketing blah
- Mining profile information to infer attributes
- Studies that act like their results will still be meaningful in 6 months
- Anything that reduces humans to dots and lines (all SNA lol)
- Papers that assume there are technical solutions to all privacy issues
- Studies that totally ignore imagined audience or expectation of privacy (it's public so we can use it!)
I guess I should stop complaining and do some work.
Unless... complaining is work?
I made a list of things I hate:
I'm not saying I can necessarily do better, but I will at least refer back to this list and try...