Sushi (Fuji Sushi)
0 (Max & Dave)
Watermelon juice (Coco)
$4.99 (€4.37 / $4.99 / £3.45)
burrito (Iguanas)
$7.72 (€6.77 / $7.72 / £5.35)
I guess minorities who have been discriminated against in tech just weren't PASSIONATE enough.
""Passion is a gender neutralizing force" - Mayer on how passion can improve women's inclusion in computing.
🔁 https://twitter.com/chatchavan/status/730428884735287296
Amy shared https://twitter.com/chatchavan/status/730428884735287296
""Passion is a neutralizing force, for both women and introverts." - Marissa Mayer "
Wow, so THAT'S the secret. We've been doing it wrong all these years.
Raw broccoli and celery
I love the work by Oliver Haimson about transitioning between idenitties online, and how digital footprints and arbitrary technical decisions make this difficult. ~"What would it look like for a social network site be oriented towards people drifting between identities over time as happens in the real world? Designing for forgetting and decay."
Bubble tea (ThirsTea)
$4.50 (€3.96 / $4.50 / £3.12)
Mariana pizza with olives (Bocca Lupo)
Pizza (Bocca Lupo)
$10.76 (€9.46 / $10.76 / £7.45)
Taco shell, salsa, guacamole, tomato pasta
Lunch (Vegetarian House)
$22 (€19.31 / $22.00 / £15.25)
Olives, couscous (Stanford)
Bagel, coffee (CHI)
Hotdog and ginger beer (Original Gravity)
$12 (€10.50 / $12.00 / £8.28)