Worked late, and was rewarded by finally getting to see the aurora from Scotland! And better than when I was in Finland tbh. Went down to the beach, and as soon as I was clear of lamp posts it was super vivid. Sat out freezing for an hour and a half, watching it ripple around the sky.
Walk to Wemyss with Wenna and Max. Both so needy. Some cooperation over stick destruction. Both want to do whatever the other is doing. Bugging each other all evening instead of just relaxing on the sofa. Wenna wants to sit where Max sits. Max only wants cuddles when Lowenna is there.
A visit to EATS Rosyth on a rainy day. Hanging out with Dad and R and the kids, variously. Brisk November-style sunrises. Followed by strangely warm days.
The usual views. Some days of very still sea, dramatic skies; swam twice.
An afternoon in KDY; lunch at Koku Shi and cake at Merchant's House... who have a new vegan menu! To pick up the customers left behind by Kangus, I presume...
Some very braw and very dreich days. The sea was very still compared to recently which was nice, and once I went out to swim in the mist. It was all very muted and gentle.