You know how many delicious meals take days to prepare then are consumed in just minutes?
I'm starting to think about how that applies to novels, too.
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You know how many delicious meals take days to prepare then are consumed in just minutes?
I'm starting to think about how that applies to novels, too.
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life goes on
(for me)
and it doesn't
(for many)
and i feel it every day
i feel connected to everyone
and helpless
i've been writing more
it's the only thing
that seems reasonable
that doesn't seem
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I've been writing all year, and pretty consistently since July, so NaNoWriMo/WritingMonth feels a bit redundant this year.
It trained me for years in controlling my inner editor, which has been invaluable to me in all kinds of ways. This summer I've been taking classes and learnt some more technical stuff, including the superpowers of plotting and structure. But November has been a special month since I was a teenager, so I'm still going to keep the habit of tracking writing stats.
I'm writing a second draft of the pile of words I made last November. I'll be logging word count on my site and NaNoWriMo - because I like the charts - and I've set chapter goals on WritingMonth because that's more meaningful than word count at the moment.
Also my living room floor is strewn with index cards and post-it notes. I need a tri-fold display board or something.
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Throwback to 30th November 2023:
I'm up to 50,151 words and there's a whole 20 minutes of the day left. I still haven't written the fucking ending, but I've sure as hell built up to it...
I wrote the ending last Monday! 11 months later.
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Just finished Children of Time and I'm absolutely floored. I can't function. That was the best possible ending. I cried. That was everything I want from science fiction. Can't believe it's taken a year of people recommending that for me to get to it.
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While I was drinking my coffee on the beach this morning, the confluence of thoughts about the writing style of The Algebraist (Iain M Banks) and the storytelling of Hamilton, which I watched last night, unblocked a plot point I was stuck on in a novel I started in 2018 and haven't really thought much about since.
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After a frantic day of trying to get to work meetings in Kangus between running back and forth to town, I sat down at 9pm to write some more. If I could write 1000 words an hour, I'd make it. No way, I thought. Not a chance. So I wrote a thousand words, and it was 45 minutes later. Alright, I thought. Just do that again.
So I did.
Felt a bit like I was in some kind of alternate reality. Like I was watching myself from outside. I don't know, it didn't seem very real. It was well past my bed time.
Then I did it again.
I celebrated briefly, then since it was only 23:30 I wrote another 500 before midnight.
WTF! I got so far behind, I did not expect this.
I'm up to 50,151 words and there's a whole 20 minutes of the day left. I still haven't written the fucking ending, but I've sure as hell built up to it...
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I don't think I'm getting to 50k (I might if I say up all night, I'm not far off! Tempting, but I have tons of stuff to do for work tomorrow and I'm already knackered) but if I can write the actual final scene I'll be very pleased with myself.
I never manage to write the endings even when I know how they go. This one is made up of three distinct stories so I've already written two 'endings' this month which is frankly the achievement of a lifetime.
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Ending my 6k today challenge with 3,585 words, a loaf of homemade bread, an excessively elaborate cake, enough curry for the week, a bit of housework, two paintings of kirkcaldy from the second hand shop, a nice lunch out, and picked up a library book.
Passed last year's final total, so pretty happy with that.
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I'm going to write 6000 words today, so help me.
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This morning I went on a nanowrimo related wikiventure about different types of galaxy then had a small existential meltdown about the scale of our universe. In case anyone was wondering how my writing is going.
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