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Stuff I made

Crafty projects, mostly crochet.

Contains 297 photos, the last of which were added 2 months, 4 days, 16 hours, 14 minutes, and 2 seconds ago.

Crochet Grogu (baby yoda).

My brother wants a cat so much, so I made him one.

I made a bath mat from eight pillowcases (aka a rag rug). Shredded in a continuous spiral and then normal crochet with a big hook. Worked great! (The first section I made multiple strips and tied the together but it was very lumpy and harder to crochet. Definitely recommend the spiral method.)

I followed this pattern to make a Kelpie. I started this in January and it took a lot longer than expected. Partly due to being interrupted by moving house and other things, but also it was a bit more fiddly than I thought. I learnt some new amigurumi techniques (like making a curve). I usually attach the parts together with a crochet hook, and I tried with this, but it was just too complicated, so I had to pause everything and wait until I had a bodkin in my life. Once that arrived, this was much easier and it came together pretty well.

Once complete, after a quick beach photoshoot, I promptly posted it to Falkirk, to be with its own kind..

Crocheted a wallet from a VHS ribbon. This stuff is sparkly and super robust, and goes a really long way. Very bulky for keeping in pocket though.

Crochet panda hat and shoes for Polly's new baby.

Also I crocheted some little mushroom keychains.

Crocheted a chunky hat from scraps of freegle yarn to wear when I'm swimming in the sea.

Pickled tomatoes! Finally, I can relive my glorious days of eating in Georgia (where I discovered pickled tomatoes, and haven't really been able to find them anywhere else since).

Crochet tea cosy for Matt.

Now I have my cosy crochet corner I can crochet again. Yoda on 'commission', Mando for J, seahorse for E, panda hat for another E.

Mum was struggling with very fiddly reindeer antlers, so I did one for her.

A narwhal for E.

I started making a hat but ran out of yarn and didn't have anything else to match, so I backed up and turned it into a tea cosy instead.

Crochet tea cosy, using alpine stitch. It started out as a hat but I didn't have enough yarn, so I backed up and tea-cosied it instead.

Helped to make (well, mostly watched.. did some sanding..) a hefty chopping board from an irregular chunk of scavenged oak worktop. Why do I never remember to take before pics?

Cellophane addition to my bathroom light to change the moooood.

Adapated a 'purrmaid' pattern to create amigurumi Mertiger for Baby Tiger.

Old tshirt is developing holes. I sliced it up to use in a rag rug.

Really enjoying these pink flowers that are blooming from a wildflower mix. Tons of things have self seeded in my fishing crates - a mix of the pink wallflowers and rocket/mustard greens, I think. A tiny romanesco yield. Another beautiful artichoke.

Simple crochet plantpot hanger to get my baby string of hearts plant off the windowsill and let it dangle in its full glory.

Packaged up homemade/grown/foraged things in reused packaging for a wedding gift.

A blanket shaped like a tailfin, with alternating rows of shell and v stiches. Reverse crochet edging, which I always find difficult to get started with, but really enjoy once I (re-)figure it out. Just the actual fin part remains. The yarn is really nice.. charity shop stuff I picked up ages ago, in lovely colours. I'm using two similar but slightly different balls, doubled up.

Made a mer-tail blanket for the new human my friend around the corner is going to create any week now. The yarn is absolutely gorgeous - all from a charity shop.

Finally stripped and repainted the cupboard in the ensuite bathroom, only about a year and a half after buying it. This officially completes the ensuite refurbishment! I sanded and repainted it in semi-darkness while watching movies over successive nights this week, so every morning I'd take a look and be for some reason surprised to find it a bit patchy. Got there eventually though.

I made one mug warmer a couple of weeks ago and then was struck by a brilliant idea. It finally came to fruition. Two mug warmers, which when placed together create a portal to Unicornium! One each for J and F.

Oddly enough there aren't any amigurumi patterns for "half a unicorn" so I did most of this freestyle and I'm very proud of myself. I did adapt the head of a tiny horse pattern which wasn't tiny enough.

I finally finished E's sea turtle!

Finished making some new friends on the train (for E and E).

Rearranging my flat to accommodate the houseplants I've inherited. Also started tackling the hallway chaos cupboard/drawers.

Made a fuzzy seal friend with some velvety yarn I've been wondering what to do with for a while.

Made some plant hangers to donate to the Kirkcaldy festive giving market (along with pots and tradescantia).

Work on the crochet project I can't decide on and will never finish.

Amigurumi ray and fishy for E and E's sea creature collection.

Primulas in my foodpath garden are doing well despite it being frosty. I tidied up all of the old remains of veg plants, and it's looking better..