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Life in Fife, 2024

Home sweet home

Contains 1048 photos, the last of which were added 3 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds ago.

The Edinburgh fireworks visible from my beach at midnight. Fireworks were going off all along the coast on both sides of the Forth, quite apocalyptically.

The year is off to a good start, sunrise-wise.

H and J came for a visit. They sent their Lake District weather on ahead - as soon as they left their house it started drizzling. That didn't stop us from helping K with roof-related tasks, or going for a swim in waves that are far too big for me to brave on my own. J spent several hours making gnocchi, and we wanted the new Indiana Jones movie. We also had brunch at Roots & Seeds.

As soon as H left the skies cleared and it was gorgeous again, if a bit frosty.

A week of brilliant pink skies, mornings and evenings. Cold and bright. Ever the looming threat of snow.

A few bright days

A day out in Anstruther, with K&M and RG and dear slimy Lowenna. We ate chips and sorbet and frolicked on the beach, then played board games.

Some braw clear days, and some stormy rainy ones (not photographed). King tides and big waves excavated a secret tunnel at the bottom of my beach steps, toppled a load of the brae, reconfigured the beach again and trashed the carpark at Path Head.

Some very braw and very dreich days. The sea was very still compared to recently which was nice, and once I went out to swim in the mist. It was all very muted and gentle.

Also, a walk to Wemyss, and some winter oysters.

Food at The Kitchen Treasury.

Same old

Clear nights, bright moon.

The usual views. Some days of very still sea, dramatic skies; swam twice.

An afternoon in KDY; lunch at Koku Shi and cake at Merchant's House... who have a new vegan menu! To pick up the customers left behind by Kangus, I presume...

A mix of clear and dreich days, some big moon and big waves.

A rock hunting hike in the hills near Abernethy. I was just along for the ride. Turned out to be a much nicer day than expected

Getting up early enough for the sunrise, when the clouds part enough to wake me.

Really feeling like spring..

Braw mornings and good rain at night. A few cloudy days.

L came to visit, and we tried the new 'wellness cafe', Rumours, which has finally opened. Excited to be back there!

Helped K move half a ton of slate.

A visit to EATS Rosyth on a rainy day. Hanging out with Dad and R and the kids, variously. Brisk November-style sunrises. Followed by strangely warm days.

A Doors Open Adventure with K. Leslie village, then the archives in Glenrothes. Stops at Pillars and M&S en route..

Just the usual.

Walk to Wemyss with Wenna and Max. Both so needy. Some cooperation over stick destruction. Both want to do whatever the other is doing. Bugging each other all evening instead of just relaxing on the sofa. Wenna wants to sit where Max sits. Max only wants cuddles when Lowenna is there.

Lowenna joined me for the sunrises. Big moons. Max sits on every chair.

What's that? More glorious sunrises and cuddles with Max? Don't mind if I do.

Sunrise writing and dramatic skies, sparkly seas.

Worked late, and was rewarded by finally getting to see the aurora from Scotland! And better than when I was in Finland tbh. Went down to the beach, and as soon as I was clear of lamp posts it was super vivid. Sat out freezing for an hour and a half, watching it ripple around the sky.

Just a normal week.

More dramatic sunrise skies.

O turned up with Tigger (the cat) and Miley (the dog). Decided to take Miley home and leave Tigger behind. Tigger not impressed. Persuaded O to take Tigger home in case he decided to wee in my flat. Got Miley back. Eventually took O for a walk without any pets.

Lunch in Roots & Seeds with Pen Pals people.

Bright skies early in the week, before heading to Newcastle.

Came back to sinus surgery and grey skies. Mum came, and I did much convalescing.

My nose stopped bleeding, I reduced the amount of painkillers I was taking every day, and started to be able to go out in public without my face being swaddled in tissue. I didn't do much though, because I was still completely knackered and felt like my head was full of cement.

I did manage a little adventure to Pillars with Mum before she left. And on Sunday I finally had lunch at Betty Nicol's. Work in progress to make their vegan burger the best it can be..