I've been writing all year, and pretty consistently since July, so NaNoWriMo/WritingMonth feels a bit redundant this year.
It trained me for years in controlling my inner editor, which has been invaluable to me in all kinds of ways. This summer I've been taking classes and learnt some more technical stuff, including the superpowers of plotting and structure. But November has been a special month since I was a teenager, so I'm still going to keep the habit of tracking writing stats.
I'm writing a second draft of the pile of words I made last November. I'll be logging word count on my site and NaNoWriMo - because I like the charts - and I've set chapter goals on WritingMonth because that's more meaningful than word count at the moment.
Also my living room floor is strewn with index cards and post-it notes. I need a tri-fold display board or something.
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