Week in review: 7th - 13th November
- The Mastodon influx continues. Lots of things resurfacing...
- Tried to make space for nanowrimo with limited success. Mostly writing on the beach, at Kangus and Grain & Sustain.
- Visited Lowenna (and K and M) for walkies. Found wood blewits and put them in a burger.
- Made rose and pistachio cake and falafel at the Community Kitchen, and orange coconut cake at home.
- Ended up helping out with a bid for Co-op work which took time I was intending to use for other things. Also Co-op business strategy, and governance stuff.
- Many beach walks.
- Hastily assembled my TAG renomination statement as I discovered the deadline day on the deadline day.
- Went for a swim in Pittenweem sea pool (and a hot chocolate after).
- Ended the week with 14,648 words.
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