🗁Added 32 photos to album Foraging 2021.
A fungal foray around woods in Kirkcaldy, and Dunnikier Park. Found big flushes of wood blewits that were too old, and small flushes that were in good enough condition to harvest. Lots of cloudy funnels that were well past it as well. In Dysart cemetery, picked up some agricus that bruised red and were smaller than Prince; no definitive ID but definitely safe so ate them (they were good); and two parasols (my first!) which we decided were shaggy parasol because they're smaller, and shaggy.
Also found:
- beautiful blue/grey oysters on a log practically in the middle of town;
- a saffron milkcap that was so old it was mouldy, but still nice to see;
- a new cep spot with ancient remains, but logged for next year..
- lots of small pink mushrooms that seem to grow wherever the wood blewit are, but haven't IDed yet; they smell of raw potatoes;
- a grey/white mushroom with wide gills, and a really distinctive floral smell;
- some very late season blushers/panther caps;
- lots of bright wax caps;
- a single charcoal burner.