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Week in review: 2nd - 8th August

  • Went mushrooming again again again. Got oysters and larch boletes, plus an inedible brittle gill and unidentified fairy ring mushrooms.
  • Time in the garden.
  • A couple of nights in Edinburgh, eating all of the vegan takeaway.
  • Made carrot muffins with jam centers and the Community Kitchen, and a cashew cheese sauce for the vegan enchiladas.
  • The orchid that I thought was dying has opened some more flowers and is growing a new leaf, hurrah!
  • Second vaccine achieved.
  • Watched Avatar for the first time.
  • Got another freezer and made trillions of pies and mushroom burgers to go in it.
  • Grouted.. Am I done grouting now?? Please??? And painted the bathroom walls.

🏷 life food vegan week in review fife foraging diy gardening

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