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Week in review: 3rd - 9th May

  • Second flush of mushrooms has begun, hesitantly.
  • Sudden strong wind/rain/hail decimated my plants. We'll see who survives. Chard and bok choy sprouted though.
  • Bathroom renovation related panicking. Took a day off work to go tour Glenrothes on the bus to visit bathroom related hardware shops (and pick up some Freegle things). Did a bathroom 3D design at B&Q. Made a spreadsheet.
  • Dave took down his fitted cupboards. Not too major disaster underneath. A few holes to patch.
  • Some work on Standards Lab again.
  • Started at the Lang Spoon Community Kitchen. Made chapati over the open flame on the stove. Super fun.
  • Finally rehomed my old sofas. Hopefully they are put to good use.
  • Helped to make raspberry plant supports from scavenged fence posts.
  • Tried a different sourdough recipe, to make a more sour one. It did not go well. It was too sticky to handle, I overcooked it slightly and had to spend half an hour getting it out of the trays. It tastes okay but is dense and chewy.
  • Editorial DID spec stuff.

🏷 life food vegan week in review bathroom

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