Week in review: 31st May - 6th June
- Sanded the plaster covering my wall/ceiling voids, sealed it with PVA, painted two coats of white. Rearranged the flat to make my room a guest room and put the hammock and my stuff in the living room.
- Got trapped in the shed under Dave's bike and the kayak for a bit, at 7am. Managed to rescue myself eventually.
- Made ten pizzas in the Community Kitchen.
- Crocheted a hat.
- Dad and Ruth came to visit. Spent subsequent days running around on bathroom errands, and feeding and entertaining them.
- Finally ordered showers and taps. Tiles and terrible panelling in the main bathroom have come out.
- Bought art (among other things) from Furniture Plus.
- Rescued beach bricks, and filled a beach crate with compost for a new planter. Planted radishes, chicory, land cress and panseys. Potted up a giant thistle Dad brought, as well as the mystery plant I picked up from G&S the other week. Took my stronger looking basils and parsleys outside during the day to get used to fresh air.
- Hungarian hot pepper number 2 sprouted. Lost more parsley, and about to give up on the last hanging on lettuces on the windowsill inside.
- Made a really good quiche, ginger cake, various things with rhubarb.
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