Week in review: 5th - 11th April
- Liberated some raspberry plants for the greater good. Replanted my radish and lettuce seedlings into the windowbox, but that's staying inside until it's less arctic out. Aphids immediately moved into the lettuces.
- Later in the week, a lettuce disappeared completely, and the following night another one did. Set up a defensive perimeter with sand and rosemary, and conducted extensive searches, eventually gently rehoming a total of thirteen slugs. Garden related photos.
- Also planted nasturtiums in the windowbox outside, hopefully they wait a couple of weeks to sprout until it's no longer intermittently freezing.
- Did some TAG things to do with First Party Sets.
- Finished painting the hallway.
- Crocheted some things.
- Started Star Trek: Lower Decks. It's so good.
- Misc gardening, replanting, hole digging.
- Trekked to West Wemyss along the beach picking up tons of rubbish on the way.
- It snowed.
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