Week in review: 11th - 17th Jan
- Attended my first TAG meetings. Only slept through one. (As in my alarm didn't go off, not that it was boring.)
- Chaired a Social Web Incubator CG meeting, and thought about SocialCG admin a lot.
- Had way too many meetings in general this week. 18 hours, 5 minutes and 9 seconds to be precise.
- Did manage to get out for a walk to Kinghorn Loch though.
- Crocheted a neko.
- Made a fruitcake, among other things.
- Made a no-recipe chocolate peanutbutter pie with a nut crust, that went surprisingy well.
- Went for a run, in the rain.
- Did some DID stuff.
- Celebrated an intense week with Friday night takeaway pizza.
- Finished Fullmetal Alchemist. Started Carnival Row.
- Watched Sputnik (pretty good?) and Ghosts of War (not good).
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