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Week in review: 1 - 7 June

  • Thought about going to Montenegro instead of Greece, but their entry restrictions currently require you have a residency permit from one of the countries on their okay-list, even if you haven't been anywhere near your country of residency/citizenship, so long story short I can't.
  • Worked on some of the more tricky aspects of storing and presenting data that's been scraped over and over again and might be duplicative.
  • Had lots of meetings.
  • Kept going into town because the watch-fixing-man told me every day to come back tomorrow.. which gave me the opportunity to drink lots of freddo espressi at the cafes that are open now.
  • Found more yarn! Far away, but, panic over.
  • Crocheted socks. I think I've finally figured out how to do a neat join when going in rows and turning.
  • Watched lots of Stargate. Read the terrible Merlin book.

🏷 hacking memorious food life week in review crochet ods travel