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Week in review: 11 - 17 May

  • Rediscovered the elegant simple beauty of a single crochet (made a tshirt)
  • Curfew lifted for most of the country; started planning adventures while simultaneously being anxious about going out and making decisions again.
  • Swam in the sea EVERY DAY.
  • Wrote some scrapers for UK MP and counciller registers of interests.
  • Did some DID editorial and registries stuff.
  • Actually worked quite a lot this week, but also spent at least an hour per day anxiously checking local news sites for Albania and surrounding countries to try to figure out wtf I might be able to do at the end of the month. Results: inconclusive.
  • Watched a lot of Stargate..
  • Went out for ice cream!! (sorbet)
  • Made a really good chocolate cake, and other things.
  • More people seem to be moving into the building. Getting loud around here.

🏷 travel crochet week in review albania