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Week in review: 11 - 17 Nov

  • Walked on the beach in Obzor. Rested. Wrote.
  • Did a little editorial/admin work on the DID spec and use cases.
  • Did some work on the OCDS Data Review Tool and Co-op improvement team stuff.
  • Fell behind on nanowrimo but caught up again at the last minute. Ish. Spent way too much time reading all of wikipedia.
  • Walked 10 miles from Kara Dere beach to Obzor with a detour over the Sv Atanas headland.
  • Finished Better Than Us, Bojack Horseman, and caught up with the Good Place.
  • It was foggy all weekend so I stayed home and cooked cabbage and that was nice.

🏷 dids life Bulgaria travel nanowrimo week in review writing ocds