🗁Added 103 photos to album Macedonia, August 2019.
Took a bus from Skopje to Ohrid, about 3.5 hours and 500mkd (~€8). Ohrid is a charming touristy town in the south of Macedonia, sitting on the shore of Lake Ohrid. Walked around the lake for seven hours, stopping to swim many times because the sun was hot and the water was cool. The shores are mostly rocky, but there are some sandy beaches. Hiking has the advantage over taking the bus that you can stop at all kinds of little coves and inlets in between the towns and villages, with no other people around. The beaches in the towns were packed.
Some hiking was wading when there wasn't really a trail, and sometimes the road had to be followed.
En route was the Bay of Bones, an archaelogical site from an 3000 year old settlement of people who lived on struts over the lake.
Ended in Trpejca, a small fishing village consisting largely of guesthouses, and spent the night there.