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Week in review: 23 - 29 October

  • Touristed around Sarajevo with my Mum (went to the Bobsled track and the War Tunnel).
  • Worked on Memorious.
  • Pulled an all-nighter to get my thesis to have page numbers and the correct margins for print. When I've recovered from the trauma, I may write about it. (Spoiler: I ended up using latex for page numbers).
  • Spent way too much time researching convoluted ways to get around Europe. Booked one of five upcoming journeys.
  • Actually went shopping and bought winter clothes!!
  • Worked on sloph and burrow but got sidetracked by fixing annoying bugs instead of implementing new stuff.
  • Revamped my homepage layout a mite.
  • Started Stranger Things 2..

🏷 life hacking week in review sloph Sarajevo, Bosnia