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Week in review: 21 - 27 August

  • Made a thing with DataTables. It is fucking amazing. Who even needs to write code any more? DataTables for president.
  • General investigative data wrangling.
  • Finished the application process for my Bosnian residency permit thing.
  • Added functions for pagination to sloph, but haven't integrated them yet.
  • Made two batches of cookies and a damn good chilli.
  • Got up to date with Rick & Morty (nb. that's a lot of Rick & Morty considering I was barely aware of it last week), and watched more Star Trek TOS with my mouth open in horror at constant sexism.
  • Socialised at the weekend :o
    • Chilled on Trebevic in a hammock.
    • Watched the sunset from the Yellow Fort.
    • Had a successful flea market day, with lots of great fruit and a wok and rolling pin.

🏷 travel week in review sloph hacking food