🗁Added 4 photos to album Homemade food.
Tofu chocolate pie

Tofu chocolate pie
I really shouldn't be trusted with websites.
I really shouldn't be trusted with websites.
For real test this time?!
Today I broke my website completely and fixed it again. Rewrote lots of code in the process. I gained some functionality and lost some functionality. I may have lost more than I gained. Now I can do what I was planning to do tod.. oh. It's tomorrow.
Here's a test post with a title..
No really this one
This time without spaces.
Okay well I just crashed my Chromebook with a mistyped PHP for
+ http://oer.issuelab.org/home
Amy added 'OER Research | OER Research' to Bookmarks
Amy added 'Validator (and more) for Nanopublications' to Bookmarks
+ http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php?la=en
Amy added 'SHERPA/RoMEO - Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving' to Bookmarks
Amy added 'LaTeX Search - Mathematical Equations in Scientific Publications.' to Bookmarks
I miss The Auld Hoose and Rigatoni's and good shit-bread and not being socially expected to talk to strangers.
Current status: Manipulatin' the DOM.
So if I see you
And I tell you
How I've watched you
Don't make fun of me later
I'm just lost
JS development...
Overall: Mostly negative.
+ https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_scholarly_publishing/
Amy added 'Project MUSE - Journal of Scholarly Publishing' to Bookmarks
+ https://visualisingadvocacy.org/blog/if-everything-network-nothing-network
Amy added 'If everything is a network, nothing is a network' to Bookmarks
Amy added 'Thinklab - Crowdsourced feedback for research grants' to Bookmarks
A pretty solid week. Pun intended.
+ http://labs.europeana.eu/apps/pundit
Amy added 'Pundit - Europeana Labs' to Bookmarks
Chocolate pie
Progressive enhancement for catering: core dish is substantial and meets common dietary constraints. Sides/additions through less restrictive diets can be added optionally.
In reply to:
I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm much less hungry after meals where more than only the side salad is vegan.
Discussing apps and access control with the Solid crew, and dating apps always seem to be the go-to for when you don't want your activites to be public..
"This used to work, I swear."
"This is why you need tests."
"Tests? Pft. I did tests in high school."
-- @csarven on software development
Even though I'm fully sold on the whole selfdogfooding thing, I'm continuously impressed at how many suddenly-urgent bugs are being thrown up by using the subject of our paper as the tool to write the paper.
Amy added 'SPARC: Advancing Open Access, Open Data, Open Education' to Bookmarks
Amy added 'Scholarly Publishing - MIT Libraries | Publishers and the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy' to Bookmarks
+ http://blogs.plos.org/mfenner/2011/03/19/a-very-brief-history-of-scholarly-html/
Amy added 'A very brief history of Scholarly HTML | Gobbledygook' to Bookmarks
+ https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/
Amy added 'Making Your Code Citable u00b7 GitHub Guides' to Bookmarks
+ http://www.nature.com/news/open-access-the-true-cost-of-science-publishing-1.12676
Amy added 'Open access: The true cost of science publishing : Nature News & Comment' to Bookmarks
Pizza with vegetables and daiya, crust from Wholefoods. Melty melty.
I could try to figure out how to catch the error... or I could file an issue that the error isn't being caught, and move on with my day. Future me will be thrilled.