closeup picture of me with a parrot in my face closeup picture of me with a parrot in my hair


Timezone: Europe/London 24th Mar 18:06

Currently is at home for 1 day, 22 hours, 47 minutes, and 6 seconds

You may know me from..

Open Data Services (2018-now) W3C Technical Architecture Group (Jan 2021-now) NaNoWriMo mastodon
Social Web Protocols (editor) ActivityPub (coauthor) Linked Data Notifications (coeditor) LinkedResearch (bystander) dokieli (occasional contributor) Indieweb (bystander) Digital Bazaar (2018-2021)
OCCRP (2017-2018) W3C (2016-2018) MIT CSAIL (2015-2016) The Solid Project (2015-2016) University of Edinburgh (2011-2017) SOCIAM (2014-2017) Prewired (cofounder, 2012-2016) SocieTea (el PresidenTea, 2012-2014) BBC (2014) University of Lincoln (2008-2011)

Last ate 2 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 3 seconds ago (Facon and salad sandwich, vegetable crisps, flapjack (R&S packed lunches); herbal tea)

Last exercised 3 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 13 seconds ago

Monthly budget 38% used (last spent 3.20gbp on Coffee (Timorous Beastie))

Words written this month (0 of posts and fiction)

An auspicious day for Fife VegFest: we got our market licence confirmed, and the local press wrote about our upcoming event.

Come to Kirkcaldy on Sunday 19th Jan, 11-4, for many tasty treats, block print-your-own merch, a raffle with top notch prizes, yoga, and we even got a local councillor on one of our panels this time.

(Wish me luck, I'm not sleeping between now and Sunday.)

🏷 life vegan vegfest fife vegfest events

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I'm doing admin for the next Fife VegFest (January 19th). It's very exciting to see this list of local vegan companies who have already confirmed their places. We've doubled the venue size and already are nearly full.

We'll be announcing the first batch 'officially' (on mainstream centralised social media) this weekend, so consider this a sneak peak for the fediverse (or the two people who read my website).

🏷 life food vegan vegfest vegfest2024 fifevegfest fife

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After serving two terms, I'm not standing in the upcoming W3C TAG election. I have loved working with the TAG, and been privileged to learn so much from the other members and wider community over the last four years. I wouldn't rule out running for election again in future. But for a while at least, I need to dial back the time I spend behind my keyboard, and put more focus into my (geographically) local community.

If you have a vote in the election, I would strongly encourage you to rank highly Lola Odelola and Sarven Capadisli. Lola has a strong technical background, ample experience of W3C processes, and a track record of fighting for marginalised voices in tech; we've had brilliant, hope-filled conversations at TPACs about what the future could be, and how to build the ethical tech and systems to get there. I worked with Sarven for several years in the Social Web WG days and never have I met someone with such a strong sense of justice and so relentless in pursuit of what they believe in. They'll do the work needed for the TAG to have impact, and far better than I ever could. If these two are elected, I'll sleep easy.

It probably goes without saying that you should also re-elect Hadley Beeman, who has been an invaluable member of the TAG for many many years, a great mentor, and a reliable voice of wisdom.

🏷 web standards tag w3c w3ctag

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I've been writing all year, and pretty consistently since July, so NaNoWriMo/WritingMonth feels a bit redundant this year.

It trained me for years in controlling my inner editor, which has been invaluable to me in all kinds of ways. This summer I've been taking classes and learnt some more technical stuff, including the superpowers of plotting and structure. But November has been a special month since I was a teenager, so I'm still going to keep the habit of tracking writing stats.

I'm writing a second draft of the pile of words I made last November. I'll be logging word count on my site and NaNoWriMo - because I like the charts - and I've set chapter goals on WritingMonth because that's more meaningful than word count at the moment.

Also my living room floor is strewn with index cards and post-it notes. I need a tri-fold display board or something.

🏷 writing nanowrimo amwriting aseedoncesown

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